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How To Count The Cards In Blackjack - Different Approaches

Card counting is no feat for the faint hearted or with a weak constitution as it is very difficult and does not exactly produce the financial gains depicted by film and on tv. Think it about it. If there was no trick to it or it was that easy to accomplish, wouldn’t everyone be doing the exact same thing?

Before you can even attempt to count cards, the basic strategy must be inculcated in your brain. Many blackjack players with years of experience behind them still stick to the basics and never endeavor to count cards, so this only makes it more obvious this process is not for the novice.

To use this technique successfully, a player must be able to sum up the deck swiftly and chart out large boxes of numerals in their head while appearing to be doing nothing of the sort. Also, the edge is only .5 to 1.5 percent and don’t think your funds will be replenished on a regular basis. It takes countless hands for your pot to grow very large and when you first begin expect your funds to escalate or deflate quickly.

The premise behind counting cards is that every deck chock full of tens and aces is perfect for the player, while a deck stocked with small cards is what the dealer would be prefer to have. When someone counting cards realizes these scenarios, he wagers more because he has the edge on the house and engages in doubling, as well as splitting, to increase that increase that advantage.

This is why card counting is no easy task:

  • When a player’s cards equal 12 to 16 and the dealer has another total, the player normally would stand, but when you have those extra 10’s the odds increase of that next card sending you to bust so it plays to take the less risky route
  • Normally when a dealer holds an ace, all the other cards have a 30.87 percent opportunity of being a 10, so insuring yourself isn’t too smart. Card counters look for when those remaining cards have the chance of coming out more than 33.33 percent of the time and place lots of money down on insurance bets to ensure a nice pay-out.
  • Anytime someone doubles they are hoping for the big ole 10, but when the deck has the opportunity of producing more tens than normal the player will improve their doubling efforts.
  • With a deck full of 10’s both sides will see the incidence of blackjack rising, but the dealer is the loser here, as the player receives a payout of 3 to 2, while they on the other hand get zero.
  • A card counter will be better off surrendering under these terms.
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